How many eligible employees do you have?

Annual premium paid per employee
Data from Kaiser Family Foundation Employer Health Benefits Survey shows the average employee's annual premium paid by the employer is $11,921.


Average salary per employee


Percentage of
employees who are not engaged
According to Gallup’s recent State of the Workplace report, 67% of employees are not engaged with their work, are indifferent to the success of their company, and do the bare minimum required of them.


Cost of disengagement
According to the same Gallup report, employees who are not engaged cost their company the equivalent of 18% of their annual salary
 (as a percentage of salary)


Annual turnover rate
A SHRM study shows that the average annual turnover rate is 19%.


Turnover cost
Predictive Index projects the total turnover cost per employee to be $16,798.
per employee


Wellness program spend per employee per year
Wellable’s full-service wellness platform for 500 employees starts at $24/employee; see additional configurations on our pricing page.


Rewards spend per employee per year

Source of impact Impact metric Current cost Change in spend Program return
Healthcare premiums ROI $0 $0 $0
Employee disengagement VOI $0 $0 $0
Employee turnover VOI $0 $0 $0
ROI generated
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Program return from healthcare premiums
VOI generated
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Program return from employee disengagement and employee turnover
Total savings generated
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Sum of ROI generated and VOI genenated
Wellness program investment
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See additional configurations on our pricing page.
Rewards investment
Combined ROI/VOI
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(Total savings generated - Total investment) / (Total investment)

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