For every month, you will receive...

Wellness Flyer
Wellness Flyers

Share beautifully designed educational flyers with your team or post them in high-traffic areas in the workspace, each focused on the month's wellness theme.

Email Template
Email Templates

Leverage weekly email blueprints that explore various aspects of the monthly wellness topic. Each template offers practical tips and tools that employees can seamlessly incorporate into their daily routines.

Internal Message Template
Internal Message Templates

Receive weekly content specifically designed for Slack or Teams, providing health tips and engagement prompts to generate excitement for wellness across the entire team.

iPhone (X) 1

Managing wellness programs can be overwhelming. Wellable makes it easy.

With dozens of connected apps and devices, Wellable allows your employees to engage in wellness on their terms. Whether you want to run a step challenge, healthy eating campaign, or mindfulness series, Wellable's award-winning platform can accommodate your needs. Employees pick the apps and devices that make the most sense for their lifestyle, connect them to Wellable, and watch as the automatically sync with their accounts.