Veterans of the wellness industry have programmed many of us to think of gift cards and premium differentials when evaluating reward options for employees. Fortunately, there are progressive organizations out there trail blazing and ushering a new generation of wellness, including fresh perspectives on how we can motivate employees through more than cash-like payments.
This white paper shows that cash is not always king when it comes to wellness rewards. Through a review of five leading companies, including Southwest and Zappos, readers will be able to see real and unique wellness rewards in action. Feel free to copy these ideas or use them as inspirations to develop your own unique rewards to motivate employees to live a healthier life.
What you're getting:
- Five case studies on leading companies implementing unique wellness rewards
- Analysis on what makes these rewards special, highlighting benefits such as cost, motivating power, and more
- Quotes and perspectives directly from human resource leaders from the case study companies
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