
This article is over 6 years old

With new advancements in technology, constant regulatory changes, and a tightening labor market, employers must regularly evolve their wellness needs. Wellable’s first proprietary research (there will be more to come!) seeks to inform employers on what resources and programs companies across the country are offering employees to improve their health and how they are making those decisions. Through survey responses from more than 100 health insurance brokers and wellness directors, representing thousands of companies and millions of lives, the 2018 Wellness Industry Trends report reveals where companies are investing wellness dollars, what factors are influencing benefit decisions, and how employers are evaluating vendors to meet their needs.

Download 2018 Wellness Industry Trends Report

With this report, employers will be able to benchmark their current or future wellness programs against other employers as well as identify specific areas of focus. Employers will also be able to see specific area of investment based on employer size so they can focus on companies most similar to them when evaluating wellness benefits.

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