12 Ideas For Virtual Health Fair Success
Though traditionally held in-person, virtual health fairs (VHFs) have proven to be a more than suitable substitute. This post details the reasons for going virtual and contains tips and tricks for running a successful VHF so that your company will be well prepared to go virtual if it so elects.
Empathy, Virtual Reality, And Workplace Optimization
Empathy fosters collaborative and respectful workplace interactions. By providing employees with immersive, perspective-changing experiences, virtual reality has proven to be a useful tool in the cultivation of workplace empathy. This post reviews VR's empathy-inducing effects, along with some of its other surprising workplace use cases.
Is Remote Work Bad For Innovation?
Organizations are concerned that innovation will occur less frequently as employees continue to work in remote environments that offer fewer opportunities for spontaneous in-person interactions. Experts claim that this concern is overblown. This post examines why.
Case Study: Apple’s Workplace Location Flexibility Policy
Organizations are beginning to finalize and announce their post-pandemic workplace location flexibility policies (WLFPs). These decisions, along with their results, provide more information on how to decide what WLFPs will work best for your company and on how to give whatever policy you end up with the best chance at succeeding. This post takes a close look Apple’s WLFP and the backlash that it was met with in order to highlight potential mistakes that were made and key lessons to learn.
Pulse Check: Employee Back Pain Management Programs
Every month, Wellable asks a single question to the large, growing, and dedicated community of human resources and wellness professionals subscribed to the Wellable Newsletter. The question for April was about the prevalence of employer programs to address low back from prolonged sitting.
On-Site Health Fairs Go Virtual
Throughout the pandemic, virtual health fairs made it possible for employees to learn about available benefits and interact with wellness experts without being physically present. These virtual events will likely continue to increase as employers experience the number of significant advantages they have over on-site counterparts.
The Social Aspect Of Virtual Fitness Programs
When fitness centers closed down amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many gym-goers turned to virtual fitness programs to rebuild a sense of community. These online fitness classes provided users with social connection and encouragement that solo, at-home, and self-directed workouts often lacked.
Studies: Fitbit Use Associated With Physical Activity Improvements
Wearable devices, like the Fitbit and Apple Watch, continue to rise in popularity. While this consumer fitness tech promises to be a low-cost alternative to traditional health interventions, it is still unclear how to effectively leverage these technologies to make significant improvements with users’ physical health and well-being.
Microsoft Launches New Digital Platform To Improve Employee Experience
In the past year, the turn to remote work has rapidly accelerated the production of new technology to improve productivity and facilitate communication between off-site employees. Most recently, Microsoft launched Microsoft Viva, an ambitious new platform of digital tools aimed to improve employee experience.