Study: How Accurate Is The Calorie Counter On Your Wearable Device?
Study: How Accurate Is The Calorie Counter On Your Wearable Device?
EEOC Clarifies Wellness Regulations
The EEOC released final rules on how employers can offer workers financial incentives of up to 30% of the cost of their cheapest health insurance plans to participate in wellness programs without violating federal laws protecting the confidentiality of medical information.
Biggest Loser Shows Weight Loss Challenges Don’t Work
Biggest Loser Shows Weight Loss Challenges Don't Work
Fitbit Shares Reactivation Statistics To Counter Attrition Concerns
Fitbit Shares Reactivation Statistics To Counter Attrition Concerns
1/3 Of Employees Participate In Wellness Programs
A recent survey provided some details about the state of employee wellness programs found that a third of all employees participate in at least one part of their employee wellness program. Is this number too low?
Big News Week In Digital Health And Wellness
Normally, the Wellable blog would address the newsworthy events below in separate posts, but so many announcements have come out in the last week that we felt it was only appropriate to combine them all into one fun blog post. Enjoy!