EEOC: Employers Must Provide Advance Notice To Employees For Screenings And HRAs
The EEOC published new rules that require employers who offer wellness programs that collect employee health information to provide a notice to employees informing them what information will be collected, how it will be used, who will receive it, and what will be done to keep it confidential.
Study: “Enhanced” Walking Programs Deliver Results
Study: “Enhanced” Walking Programs Deliver Results
Fitbit Launches New Sleep Feature
Unfortunately, when it came to supporting healthy sleep habits, most consumer technologies did little more than just track the amount, and in some cases quality, of sleep. Fitbit’s new feature, Sleep Schedule, aims to change that.
How Many Calories Do We Burn Sitting, Standing, And Walking?
Are standing desks as great as they're hyped up to be? Does standing burn calories? Standing desks might not burn as many calories as you think they do.
Survey: Disconnect Between Physicians And Patients On Mobile Health
Survey: Disconnect Between Physicians And Patients On Mobile Health
Survey: Manager Engagement In Wellness Key To Success
Having leadership involvement in wellness initiatives spearheads program success. This idea is often touted by brokers and wellness professionals. A survey from the American Psychological Association (APA) continues to support the idea.