Employer Health Insurance Cost At 5-Year Low
Contrary to the popular belief that healthcare expenses are becoming a larger part of total employee compensation, new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that employers paid the lowest amount for health insurance as a percentage of total compensation since 2011.
Study Quantifies The Value Of Health Plan Member Engagement
Study Quantifies The Value Of Health Plan Member Engagement
Communicating Benefits To Millennials
The Millennials Come of Age report illustrates the best strategies, communication tools, and technology human resource professionals can use to ensure their companies find and keep the best and brightest among the largest generation in U.S. history: Millennials.
Q3 2016 Wearable Shipments Fitbit (23%), Xiaomi (17%), And Garmin (6%) Lead Pack
Q3 2016 Wearable Shipments Fitbit (23%), Xiaomi (17%), And Garmin (6%) Lead Pack
5 Statistics Reveal Employee Financial Health Getting Worse
5 Statistics Reveal Employee Financial Health Getting Worse
Survey: 35% Of Workers Take Sick Days When They Feel Fine
Survey: 35% Of Workers Take Sick Days When They Feel Fine
Office Perks And Company Culture Are Not The Same Thing
“Allowing your employees to bring dogs to work is a perk. Texting an employee after they had to put their dog down is culture.” Perks can do a great job in recruiting talent (who doesn’t want flexible work schedules and free food?) but contribute little to retaining them.
Consumers Abandoning Apps, Sticking With What They Know
Consumers Abandoning Apps, Sticking With What They Know