7 Core Metrics To Measure An Employee Health Coaching Initiative
This is an excerpt from our latest eBook: Employee Health Coaching 101 - Everything You Need To Know To Launch A Cost-Effective Health Coaching Program.
Report: Led By Technology, Millennials Are Most Diligent Savers
According to Bank of America’s 2016 Plan Wellness Scorecard, millennials lead the pack when it comes to contributing to 401(k) plans. What's motivating them?
Continuous Wellness Challenge Best Practices
Periodic challenges may not help organizations achieve their employee health goals. This is where continuous wellness programs can help.
5 Ways To Evaluate Wellness Professionals
The challenge of judging wellness service providers is real. Here are five factors you can use to separate quality vendors and professionals from the noise.
Study: Job Insecurity Increases Chronic Stress, Impacts Employee Health
Job insecurity is becoming more common as uncertainties spread in the economy. Researchers show the consequences of chronic stress response to job uncertainty.
4 Common Culprits Of Low Engagement In Employee Health Coaching Programs
The creation of a wellness program doesn’t guarantee participation. Companies are using employee health coaching programs to improve engagement and retention.
Why Resistance Training Is Crucial To Holistic Wellness
There is one crucial aspect that we find consistently missing across nearly every wellness program: Resistance training. Read on to learn how to implement it!
Study: Working From Home Increases Productivity And Job Dedication
Ctrip International conducted a randomized controlled trial to test the efficacy of Working From Home as a management practice.
Study: Longer Working Hours Linked To Heart Disease
Working long hours was just added to the list of risk factors of Afib by researchers at the Department of Epidemiology at University College London.