Pros And Cons Of Remote Work
Since telecommuters work from home, professional and personal lives overlap, making it more difficult for employees to “turn off” and detach from work.
Study Shows Efficacy Of Marketing In Combatting Obesity
If companies were able to sell junk food using marketing, could similar techniques be used to un-sell them? The result of a study on the subject was promising.
Survey Results From A Wellable Challenge – Part 2
The four-week step challenge had large biotechnology and life sciences companies in MA compete for ultimate bragging rights, cool t-shirts, and gift cards.
9 Benefit Trends In 2018
Employee Benefit News released a list of the nine employee benefit trends for the coming year. Employee wellness initiatives appeared frequently on the list.
Study: Monetary Incentive Not Effective At Getting People To The Gym
A group of researchers at Case Western Reserve University looked to find the golden rules to entice gym-goers, found monetary incentives NOT the answer.
Study: 60% Of Users Stick With Wearable Devices For At Least Six Months
In the most extensive study of its kind to evaluate how sticky wearables can be, researchers studied 4.4 million Humana wellness program members.
Wellness Rule Review To Last Until August 2018, Implementation 2021
EEOC announced it will need until August 2018 to reconsider its regulations on employee wellness programs and expects to issue a new final rule by October 2019.
Study: Fitness Apps Grew By 330% Between 2014 and 2017
Health and fitness app usage in the U.S. has seen a sharp uptick over the past few years, growing by 330% between 2014 and 2017.
5 Different Forms Of Meditation To Improve Productivity
Mindfulness training and meditation help improve employee performance through boosting concentration and promoting interpersonal relationships in the workplace.