Study: Do Wearable Devices Help Reduce Sitting Time?

Study: Do Wearable Devices Help Reduce Sitting Time?

Employers have turned to wearable devices as part of employee wellness programs to mitigate the risks of sitting, but very limited research has been conducted on their efficacy. Fortunately, a new study sought to fully understand how wearable devices can be used to reduce sitting time.

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Whiteboard Wednesday: ROI vs. VOI

Whiteboard Wednesday: ROI vs. VOI

Whiteboard Wednesdays are short-form video posts from Wellable on important topics to know for employee health and wellness professionals. Check out this video on how to measure wellness program success and the differences between return on investment (ROI) and value on investment (VOI).

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Study: Opioid Crisis Cost U.S. Employers $702B

Study: Opioid Crisis Cost U.S. Employers $702B

A study found the opioid crisis caused the American economy to lose nearly a million workers, 12.1 billion work hours, and $702 billion. The study reviewed the impact the opioid epidemic had on labor force participation and output between 1999 and 2015, making the average annual loss $43.9 billion.

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Study: Standing Desks May Have Negative Effects

Study: Standing Desks May Have Negative Effects

Although numerous studies suggest that the health benefits of standing desks are less significant than the hype, employers continue to invest in upgrading office furniture to promote standing over sitting in hopes to recoup the investment from lower healthcare costs.

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Loneliness: The Next Employee Wellness Frontier

Loneliness: The Next Employee Wellness Frontier

Research showed loneliness having the same health care outcomes and costs as 15 cigarettes a day, yet most employers are not giving it enough attention. It remains a hidden drain on the health of employees and the companies they work for, costing employers in the U.K. an estimated $3.5 billion.

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Podcast: The Illinois Workplace Wellness Study On Effects Of Wellness Programs

Podcast: The Illinois Workplace Wellness Study On Effects Of Wellness Programs

The leading researchers of the Illinois Workplace Wellness study joined Wellable in this podcast to talk more about what their results mean and how employers can use this information to optimize their current offerings. The podcast covers program design, incentive structure, and more. Enjoy!

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Report: Pricing Top Criteria For Employers Selecting Wellness Vendors

Report: Pricing Top Criteria For Employers Selecting Wellness Vendors

We surveyed 105 health insurance brokers and published the findings in the 2018 Wellness Industry Trends Report. Employers and brokers can use the report to make better benefits decisions to ensure they are creating competitive wellness plans to address the needs of current and prospective employees

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Survey: Health App, Wearable Device Adoption Tripled Since 2014

Survey: Health App, Wearable Device Adoption Tripled Since 2014

According to a new survey, “consumers continue to show strong use of digital technology for self-service care, and the numbers are rising each year.” The trend may be most evident in the rapid adoption of modern technologies to manage health and wellness, including wearable devices and mobile apps.

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HDHP Use Flattens, HSAs May Become More Attractive

HDHP Use Flattens, HSAs May Become More Attractive

Although HDHPs have seen incredible growth since 2005, many industry professionals often assume (incorrectly) that employers are continuing to flock to these types of health plans, causing enrollment to surge. According to a new report, HDHPs growth remained relatively static this year.

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