Employee Wellness Lessons From Amazon’s Choice For JV CEO
Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase announced that Dr. Atul Gawande will be the leader of their new health care venture. Since many employee wellness programs include clinical tests and interventions, companies would be wise to reflect on Dr. Gawande’s thoughts on health care.
Study: Cash, Goal Setting, & Wearable Device Increase Activity Levels
New research may change employers’ views on how they build wellness programs, which suggests that loss‐framed financial incentives with personalized goal setting will significantly increase physical activity among wellness program participants using wearable devices.
Continuous Financial Wellness Programs Most Effective
Surveys and reports identify financial wellness as a key area of focus for wellness programs. Most employers satisfy the financial wellness needs of their employees with initiatives that “check the box” and are better than nothing, but it should come as no surprise that they have limited efficacy.
Podcast: Leah Weiss On How Purpose & Mindfulness Build Better Organizations
Work has long been associated with stress and pressure because the workplace is where people come to grind, give their all, and unfortunately, burn out. Fortunately, Leah Weiss sits down with Wellable for a podcast that will teach listeners that work doesn't need to be this way.
Apple Prioritizes Digital Well-being In iOS 12
Apple, at WWDC, followed the lead of Google and announced a series of new controls that will allow iOS users to monitor how much time they spend on devices, set time limits on app usage, and control the distraction of notifications. These updates will be available in the release of iOS 12.
National Nutrition Month At Work – Ideas And Resources
March is the National Nutrition Month. While all workplace wellness programs should touch upon nutrition year-round, it is not a bad idea to dedicate a whole month to educating employees on the topic.
Survey: Company Loyalty Linked To Impact Of Benefits On Personal Lives
New data suggests that delivering a paycheck and “standard” benefits is no longer enough to retain employees. According to a new report, employees who feel that their benefits actually have a positive impact on their lives are 40%+ more likely to declare themselves loyal to the company.
Whiteboard Wednesday: New EEOC Wellness Rules
In Wellable’s first-ever guest appearance on Whiteboard Wednesdays, Al Lewis provides his perspective on how employee wellness programs will never be the same. Al discusses the impact on wellness programs that offer incentives for “clinical” programs, such as biometric screenings and HRAs.
Whiteboard Wednesday: Should Employers Offer Genetic Testing?
As with most wellness offerings, the rationale behind launching an initiative is driven by either a return-on-investment (ROI) or value-on-investment (VOI) perspective. Watch and learn why genetic testing for an employee wellness program may not be the type of innovation a company wants to support.