5 Office Yoga Poses To Improve Posture and Reset
For many office-based employees, a normal day consists of sitting hunched over a computer keyboard. Try this simple office yoga sequence, which can be completed in a just few minutes at a desk, to improve employee physical well-being and increase productivity.
Making Way For Generation Z In The Workplace
Generation Z, those born in 1995 or later, has begun to enter the workforce, projecting an altered set of needs from that of their preceding generation. How can businesses create work environments and employee experiences that will attract the best talent from this generation?
Employee Retention Takes Center Stage As Quit Rate Hits 17-Year High
American workers, in increasing numbers, are quitting their current jobs to seek out better employment. Companies will be forced to expend their resources on replacing lost employees, and the overall rate of company productivity will decrease as a result of a transient and unsatisfied workforce.
Study: Fitbit Data Correlates With Patient Performance Status
A new study using Fitbit to track patient activity, heart rate, and sleep found that an increase of 1,000 steps per day, on average, was associated with significantly lower odds of hospitalizations, fewer serious adverse events, and increased survival.
Meditation Kept Thai Boys Calm In Cave
12 Thai boys and their coach who had been trapped in a cave were rescued by Thai Navy SEALs. When they were first discovered, they were reportedly meditating. The widely shared video of the moment the boys were found below went viral because so many people were shocked by how calm they were.
No Action From EEOC On Wellness Regulations
The current wellness regulations sunset in January 2019, and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has employers guessing “what’s next” by making no moves to institute new ones. This is what it means for employee wellness programs.
Wellness, Perks Comprise Trending Benefit List
According to a list from Employee Benefit News on 15 trending workplace benefits, employee wellness and perks continue to take center stage. It shows that employers recognize the impact wellness benefits have on recruitment, retention, productivity, and business success.
Employers Begin To Question HDHPs
The rise in popularity of HDHPs has been widely reported, being driven by employers and employees wanting to keep premiums affordable. However, many employees with HDHPs do not have the financial means to cover the deductible, resulting in unforeseen medical expenses putting them in turmoil.
Survey: Wellness Programs Increased Productivity, Reduced Sick Days
UnitedHealthcare recently published the results to its annual Wellness Check Up Survey. Most notably from the results, 62% of employees with wellness programs felt their wellness program increased their productivity and 56% reported having taken fewer sick days because of their program.