5 Ways AI Will Shape The Future Of Employee Wellness
Considering the increasing priority of employee wellbeing, AI is expected to shape the future of employee wellness. This advanced technology has many prospective applications for employee wellness industry and offers a promising future for the efficacy of company initiatives from all angles.
Components Of An Effective Financial Wellness Program
With recent evidence highlighting the considerable effect financial hardships have on employee wellness and workplace productivity, businesses are adopting workplace health initiatives to encompass financial wellness. MetLife suggests the main components of an effective financial wellness program.
Type And Expectations Of Employee Wellness Programs Determine Their Value
A new article focused on analyzing the power of randomized controlled trials relative to observational studies when conducting explanatory research, using employee wellness studies as the example. A casual reader may finish it thinking that all employee wellness programs are bad, but is it true?
The Desk Dilemma: Are Standing Desks Worth The Investment?
Standing and sit-stand desks seem to be the current rage in employee wellness. However, despite all of the popularized benefits, some argue that standing all day, which presents its own set of problems, may not actually be the most optimal countermeasure to combat the effects of prolonged sitting.
Survey: Significant Increase In Health Plan Costs For Small Employers
Although employers across the board saw health plan costs rise for a variety of reasons in 2017, small employers (less than 500 employees) were especially vulnerable to cost effects, according to a national survey from Mercer.
Number Of $1M+ Medical Bills Increased 87%
The number of employees that undergo catastrophic medical events with more than $1 million in medical claims increased 87% between 2014 and 2017. Employers cannot rely on ROI-based programs to manage this growing financial risk.
5 Office Yoga Poses To Improve Posture and Reset
For many office-based employees, a normal day consists of sitting hunched over a computer keyboard. Try this simple office yoga sequence, which can be completed in a just few minutes at a desk, to improve employee physical well-being and increase productivity.
Making Way For Generation Z In The Workplace
Generation Z, those born in 1995 or later, has begun to enter the workforce, projecting an altered set of needs from that of their preceding generation. How can businesses create work environments and employee experiences that will attract the best talent from this generation?
Employee Retention Takes Center Stage As Quit Rate Hits 17-Year High
American workers, in increasing numbers, are quitting their current jobs to seek out better employment. Companies will be forced to expend their resources on replacing lost employees, and the overall rate of company productivity will decrease as a result of a transient and unsatisfied workforce.