Study: Overload, Trust Remain Challenges For Online Health Info Seekers

Study: Overload, Trust Remain Challenges For Online Health Info Seekers

The good part of the internet is that it provides access to all sorts of information. The bad part of the internet is that it provides access to all sorts of information. The latter statement could be considered an informal finding of a recent study as it relates the health information online.

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Survey Highlights Benefits Employees Find Most Financially Beneficial

Survey Highlights Benefits Employees Find Most Financially Beneficial

80% of Americans would rather accept a job with benefits than take a job without benefits, even if it paid 30% more. With nearly 29% of employees considering switching jobs in the next year, employers should take note. Which benefit, then, should employers prioritize?

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Apple Watch Incentive Drives Greater Wellness Program Engagement

Apple Watch Incentive Drives Greater Wellness Program Engagement

Employers continue to invest significant financial resources into rewards and incentives for employee wellness programs. There are a number of best practices for incentives, and a study from RAND Corporation adds another strategy that warrants consideration from employers and health plans.

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USPSTF All Adults Should Be Screened For Excessive Alcohol Use

USPSTF All Adults Should Be Screened For Excessive Alcohol Use

United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) systematically reviews the evidence of effectiveness and develops recommendations for clinical preventive services. According to a new statement, all adults, including pregnant women, should be screened for unhealthy alcohol use by their primary care physicians.

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Unwell Employees Cost U.S. Employers $530B In Lost Productivity

Unwell Employees Cost U.S. Employers $530B In Lost Productivity

Many employers across the world are finalizing budgets for the coming year, and for some human resource professionals, this includes justifying the investment in employee wellness programs. Fortunately, a new research may provide some data to help bolster the case for these types of programs.

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The 4 Types Of Health Care Consumers

The 4 Types Of Health Care Consumers

A new study describes the 4 types of unique healthcare consumers, each of which possesses unique characteristics and propensities to engage with healthcare technology. The segmentation analysis helps healthcare stakeholders understand attitudes & behaviors to attract, retain, and engage consumers.

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Google, Facebook Drop Forced Arbitration In Harassment Cases

Google, Facebook Drop Forced Arbitration In Harassment Cases

Two weeks ago, more than 20,000 Google employees staged a walkout in protest to the how the company chose to pay millions of dollars in exit packages to male executives accused of misconduct while staying silent about the transgressions. Now, Google and Facebook are dropping their forced arbitration.

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Study: Social Media Use Tied To Depression And Loneliness

Study: Social Media Use Tied To Depression And Loneliness

While the idea that mental and emotional well-being are adversely impacted by social media use is not new, existing research is limited in that the surveys and correlative studies are at best suggestive. A new experimental study links social media use to worse emotional states and vice versa.

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Study: Paid Sick Leave Tied To Lower Employee Stress

Study: Paid Sick Leave Tied To Lower Employee Stress

In a new study, researchers found that people without paid sick leave are more likely to worry about paying monthly bills, achieving long-term retirement goals, or being prepared for an illness or accident. These findings should impact the way employers think about offering paid sick leaves.

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