Millennials Exercise Influence On Wellness, Health
Just as millennials are unique relative to other generations in regard to how they shop, work, and play, they are also distinct in their approach to wellness. Baby boomers may be the kings of “no pain, no gain,” but the 56 million millennials in the U.S. approach exercise and health differently.
Pain Management: Another Reason For Sleep Promotion
Pain is cited as the most common reason Americans access the health care system and a major contributor to health care costs. Fortunately, a new study provides evidence and a reminder that the body has a natural remedy to manage pain that many people fail to take advantage: sleep.
Six Months Of Paid Parental Leave Is Enough, Gates Foundation Says
In an era when companies are looking to expand their benefits to attract and retain employees, one organization says that it is reducing its generous package. The Gates Foundation announced a reduction to its paid parental leave from one year to six months, but offering $20,000 in childcare stipend.
Study: Slow Weight Loss Best For Health
Companies have widely implemented 'Biggest Losers' programs as part of their employee wellness initiatives, which tend to promote intensive weight loss and dramatically slows down participants' metabolism. A recent study in the Journal of Obesity challenged the support for this type of program.
HHS: New Physical Activity Guidelines
The U.S. Department of Human Health and Human Services released the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, an essential resource for employers as they design and implement physical activity programs, policies, and promotion initiatives.
Fitbit’s Newest Activity Trackers Target Corporate Wellness Market
Fitbit quietly launched two new wearable activity trackers last week, but consumers will not be able to find these trackers in the stores. The new Fitbit Inspire and Fitbit Inspire HR trackers are designed for employees to use as part of their company’s wellness programs.
Top Employee Financial Wellness Programs
Check out the top employee financial wellness for 2019! The verdict: scalable programs are gaining favors while personalized options such as coaching are lagging behind. Learn more about financial wellness trends and more by downloading the 2019 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report
Study: Caregiving Crisis Impacting Employee Productivity
A new study from HBS suggests employers are largely underestimating a “caregiving crisis” that impacts their bottom line. With nearly three quarters of U.S. employees bearing some caregiving responsibility, the breadth of the crisis impacts more individuals than other popular areas of well-being.
Survey: Wellness Programs Linked To Employee Retention, Even For Non-Participants
Employee retention is often cited as one of the top metrics uses to measure the contributions of employee wellness programs. Optum found that engagement in wellness programs was linked to greater employee retention not only among frequent participants but also among employees who opted out.