Workplace Burnout Recognized As Medical Condition By WHO
Described as an occupational phenomenon and not to be confused with general stress, WHO is officially recognizing burnout as a medical condition.
Employee Satisfaction With Health Plans Improving, Still Room To Grow
It’s commonly thought that employees are increasingly dissatisfied with their healthcare plan, but a new survey of 29,000 commercial health plan members suggests this may not be the case.
What Makes Happy Employees? Hint: It’s Not Just Compensation
Compensation is still important, but 4,000 participants in a recent survey by Wrike revealed factors other than money that made them happy in their jobs.
Office Air Quality And Environmental Well-Being
When employers talk about wellness and its role in productivity, few mention or consider environmental health. A new study suggests they should.
Genetic Testing As A Wellness Benefit?
Companies are looking at innovative offerings as part of their wellness programs with genetic testing being one that is gaining some traction. Should genetic testing at work go mainstream?
Can A Smartphone Be A Health Hazard?
While smartphones offer a number of benefits, new studies suggest that information overload from these devices may be harmful.
Google Study: Remote Workers Just As Productive But Lonely
Even as employees push for the ability to work remotely, some companies resist, concerned that employees who don’t come to the office on a regular basis are less productive. A recent study of Google employees eases that fear but raises another one.
Study: Nearly Half Of U.S. Companies Have A Wellness Program
46% of all worksites offered some health promotion or wellness program, according to the “2017 Workplace Health in America” report conducted by the CDC and UNC, Chapel Hill. Unfortunately, most programs have yet to reach maturity by addressing all dimensions of well-being.
HSA Growth Highlights Employees’ Desire For Financial Wellness
The number of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) is growing rapidly, with no signs of slowing down. This is just another sign pointing towards employees' desire for more financial wellness.