Fitting The Benefits Of Being Outside Into A Workday
Recent research has shown that spending time outside offers many health benefits, but planning regular time outside isn’t always easy with work and other life commitments. Here are some unconventional ways to nurture this quest for well-being.
Study: Paternity Leave Leads To Healthier Moms
The need for maternity leave is clear as women need time to recuperate from pregnancy, labor, and perhaps surgery. A less obvious leave that many companies fail to offer is paternity leave, which has been shown to lead to healthier moms.
Rx for Well-being: Go Outside for Two Hours A Week
Want to be healthier and happier? Spend time with nature. Specifically, stay outside for at least 120 minutes per week to reap the benefits.
8 Benefits Companies Should Drop (Or Update)
With companies looking to gain a competitive edge by offering new benefits such as egg freezing or unlimited PTO, it’s a good opportunity to review some of the most common benefits and policies. Here is a list of a few that should be revisited.
Study: Employers Should Rethink Ultra-Processed Foods In The Kitchen
A new study on eating ultra-processed foods shows that doing so leads to more weight gain even when eating the same amount of calories as someone who eats unprocessed foods. Even worse, people are likely to eat more of the ultra-processed foods than they are of natural choices.
Pokémon Game Wants You To Go…To Sleep
When Pokémon Go launched in July 2016, it became an instant sensation. Now, the game's makers want to use the same gamification strategy to help with another health issue: sleep.
New Zealand’s Bold Step Toward Well-Being
Companies are looking at ways to improve overall employee well-being but never has this initiative been taken on by an entire country. That’s what is happening in New Zealand, whose government has added social outcome goals along with traditional economic metrics to measure the country’s success.
What Employees Want May Be Making Them Unwell
Despite being aware of the better choice, people often choose option B. Why is that? After all, shouldn’t people make the logical decision to do what’s in their best interest?
Ocean Spray Waives Employee Behavioral Health Copays
Ocean Spray announced it will eliminate employee copays for mental health benefits starting in July 2019, removing barriers that prevent people from receiving the help they need to be mentally well.