Navigating COVID-19 Employee Health Checks With Limited Legal Guidance
As employers focus on ways in which they can implement safety precautions in light of COVID-19, many have questions regarding the legality of employee health checks. Unfortunately, current laws do not explicitly address or anticipate the medical and privacy rights of employees during a pandemic.
COVID-19 Impacts College Graduates’ Career Plans
It’s a difficult time for soon-to-be college graduates entering the workforce. Not only have many been forced home from college early as plans to celebrate graduation disappear, but now they are entering into an economy that has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anticipating Labor Market Changes, Employers Begin Reducing Benefits
Due to the impacts of COVID-19, the labor market is going to be much more open in the immediate future. As previous economic downturns have indicated, companies will be looking to cut costs in the form of reduced employee benefits.
Coronavirus Pandemic Creates Unprecedented Levels Of Stress For Employees
As the coronavirus makes its way through communities across the world, another health problem has been spreading along with it: stress.
5 Ways Post-COVID Work Will Be Different
New social distancing measures due to COVID-19 have created drastic and unanticipated changes in the way employees work and businesses operate.
Ill-Equipped Home Offices Impact Employees’ Physical Health, Productivity
As these newly-remote workers adjust their living spaces into makeshift home offices, many are noticing how much physical health can be impacted by a work environment.
Decreases In Activity, Increases In Sleep And Anxiety For Americans Stuck At Home
Across the country, health habits and routines are changing due to social distancing guidelines and business closures related to COVID-19. Data from the COVID-19 Pulse study revealed that people are sleeping more and moving less.
As Employees Remain Home, Work-Life Balance Suffers
New social distancing measures related to COVID-19 have led to the mass-adoption of remote work, and it’s having a massive effect on employees’ work-life balance, lifestyle, and health.
Wellness Programs Help Mitigate The Effects Of Pandemics
As communities across the US and the rest of the world battle the COVID-19 pandemic, wellness programs are proving beneficial in a way that most companies never saw coming—by mitigating the virus’ consequences.