Work From Anywhere: An Expert’s Tips For Success When Going Remote
In 2020, companies all over the globe were forced to quickly switch to remote work. Necessitated by COVID-19 health concerns and government restrictions, this was not the smoothest transition for many. According to one Harvard Business School professor, who has spent years studying remote work, there are certain practices that make some remote companies more successful than others.
Survey: Employers Avoid COVID-19 Testing Due To Costs And Complexity
As many places in the US face another wave of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, employers now have several months of experience with considering and implementing different health and safety protocols—including whether or not to test employees.
Survey: Employers See Value In Integrated Employee Benefits
Every two years, Anthem publishes their Integrated Health Care Report, which explores how integrating data from medical, pharmacy, and ancillary plans can enhance population health clinical programs. Since Anthem began this research project in 2014, integrated health care has been on the rise.
Survey: Women More Likely Than Men To Follow COVID-19 Precautions
A recent survey conducted by reveals a significant difference between the way men and women are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. With cases rising again across Europe and America, understanding these behaviors may help business leaders make better decisions about their company’s health and safety policies.
Pulse Check: Oral Health And Employee Well-Being
Every month, Wellable asks a single question to the large, growing, and dedicated community of human resources and wellness professionals subscribed to the Wellable Newsletter. The question for November was about an area of health and well-being often ignored or underserved by employee wellness programs.
100+ Unique Walking Team Names to Use in Your Next Wellness Challenge
One of the best parts about running a team-based wellness challenge is the opportunity to create a fun and motivating team name. Sometimes it is easier said than done though! Check out the list below for some amazing team names.
Burnout Risk On The Rise As Employers Pivot To Remote Work
Remote work has been growing in popularity for years, but the trend is now becoming common practice with the COVID-19 pandemic making it a safer alternative for companies to continue to do business. Despite the benefits, this year’s abrupt and widespread move towards virtual and at-home work came with some growing pains.
Survey: CFOs Value Employee Wellness Over Cost Savings
Despite their role managing corporate expenses, CFOs are more concerned about how well benefits make employees happy and healthy than the costs of plans. This year, IBI, in partnership with CFO Magazine, surveyed more than 300 financial executives to better understand how they incorporate benefits strategy into their financial decisions.
How To Combat Employee Isolation
As the year draws to a close, social distancing-related fatigue is wearing down even the most independent and introverted people. The pandemic continues to fuel feelings of loneliness and isolation, threatening employee wellness and productivity along with it. While awareness about this aspect of well-being has certainly risen over the past several months, companies may be unsure of how to handle the problem effectively.