Not All Employee Retention Is Good: Study Explores “Reluctant Stayers”

Not All Employee Retention Is Good: Study Explores “Reluctant Stayers”

Is there such a thing as bad employee retention? Most studies focus on the costs of unwanted turnover, from loss in productivity to expenses associated with recruitment. A new study, however, explores an often overlooked element of retention. That is, what are the costs of retaining employees that want to leave?

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2021 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report

2021 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report

The arrival of the new year means the release of Wellable’s 2021 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report. This comprehensive annual report investigates and quantifies wellness strategies companies are implementing in the upcoming year, providing a guide for employers to help them create a healthy, happy, and productive workforce.

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Can Artificial Intelligence Solve The Mental Health Crisis?

Can Artificial Intelligence Solve The Mental Health Crisis?

A report from Oracle and the research firm, Workplace Intelligence, looked at how employees around the world are struggling with mental health issues and demanding support, as well as how artificial intelligence and technology may be used as solutions.

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COVID-19 Vaccine & Return To The Workplace Survey

COVID-19 Vaccine & Return To The Workplace Survey

To help organizations understand the preferences of employees in regard to returning to the workplace, Wellable surveyed working age adults across the US to explore employee willingness to have COVID-19 vaccination requirements to return to work and employee expectations of work in a post-COVID world.

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New Meditation Series Coming To Netflix In 2021

New Meditation Series Coming To Netflix In 2021

For those hoping to improve their happiness and mental well-being in the New Year, Netflix will be making that task a little bit easier. In a joint venture with Headspace, the streaming service will be launching three new meditation shows in 2021.

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Pulse Check: Will Employers Require COVID-19 Vaccinations?

Pulse Check: Will Employers Require COVID-19 Vaccinations?

Every month, Wellable asks a single question to its growing and dedicated community of HR and wellness professionals. December's question: Once a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available, will your organization require all employees without a qualified exemption to receive a COVID-19 vaccination before returning to the workplace?

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Study: Targeted, Well-Designed Wellness Programs Lead To Greater Success

Study: Targeted, Well-Designed Wellness Programs Lead To Greater Success

In order to justify an investment into comprehensive and holistic wellness programs, employers often lack the data that make it easy to quantify a programs’ real value. With this in mind, Cigna conducted a report that highlights the direct economic benefits that are tied to well-developed employee wellness programs.

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Coping With COVID-19 Stress, Employees Turn To The Past

Coping With COVID-19 Stress, Employees Turn To The Past

In an effort to deal with the added anxiety of a pandemic, employees are turning to the nostalgic comfort of their favorite movies, music, and hobbies from decades ago. An article from The New York Times uncovers many ways that individuals around the world are using cherished entertainment and activities to improve mental and emotional health.

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Fitbit Study Correlates Heart Rate Variability With Cardiovascular Function

Fitbit Study Correlates Heart Rate Variability With Cardiovascular Function

An estimated one in five Americans currently owns a smartwatch of some kind. Most recently, a new study published in The Lancet looked at how these wrist-worn health tracking devices can provide a range of predictive cardiovascular health measures for their users.

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