Ethics And Well-Being: An Introduction

Ethics And Well-Being: An Introduction

According to many philosophers and psychologists, behaving ethically can lead to improved well-being. Studies also suggest that the reverse could be true - might being well lead one to behave more ethically? If that is the case, the importance of caring for employee health and happiness should not be overlooked.

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Well-Being And The Limits Of Wellness Solutions

Well-Being And The Limits Of Wellness Solutions

As more and more workers experience pandemic induced stress, corporations are turning to wellness programs, especially digital ones, in order to alleviate the burden that comes with the changing work environment. To use these offerings effectively, it is necessary to be clear on what they do and don’t do.

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Study: Employees Need More Guidance On Health Benefits

Study: Employees Need More Guidance On Health Benefits

Recent data from a survey performed by Voya Financial indicates that over a third of employees—including 54% of millennials—do not fully understand any of the benefits they’ve selected. Employees are eager for their employers to offer better guidance and education about their benefits.

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Study: Excessive Mindfulness May Backfire

Study: Excessive Mindfulness May Backfire

After a stressful year full of economic and public health worries, employees are seeking benefits focused on decreasing stress and supporting mental well-being. While mindfulness techniques are trending, employers should keep in mind that they are most effective as one part of a balanced, comprehensive wellness program.

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Studies: Fitbit Use Associated With Physical Activity Improvements

Studies: Fitbit Use Associated With Physical Activity Improvements

Wearable devices, like the Fitbit and Apple Watch, continue to rise in popularity. While this consumer fitness tech promises to be a low-cost alternative to traditional health interventions, it is still unclear how to effectively leverage these technologies to make significant improvements with users’ physical health and well-being.

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Microsoft Launches New Digital Platform To Improve Employee Experience

Microsoft Launches New Digital Platform To Improve Employee Experience

In the past year, the turn to remote work has rapidly accelerated the production of new technology to improve productivity and facilitate communication between off-site employees. Most recently, Microsoft launched Microsoft Viva, an ambitious new platform of digital tools aimed to improve employee experience.

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Employee Mental Health Continues To Plummet

Employee Mental Health Continues To Plummet

Nearly a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, employee mental health is at an all-time low. These health issues are now so widespread that all employers need to be proactive in supporting their workforce‚ mental well-being‚ even when they do not suspect any issues at all.

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Pulse Check: Caregiving Benefits After COVID-19

Pulse Check: Caregiving Benefits After COVID-19

Every month, Wellable asks a single question to the large, growing, and dedicated community of human resources and wellness professionals subscribed to the Wellable Newsletter. The question for February was about whether or not employers plan to end caregiving benefits that were added during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Beyond Diversity: Using Cultural Humility To Build Engaging Wellness Programs

Beyond Diversity: Using Cultural Humility To Build Engaging Wellness Programs

While employers might already be making good efforts to recruit people of different backgrounds, they should also be evaluating whether or not certain benefits are engaging or effective for all of their employees. To assist with this, employers can employ something known as “cultural humility” when building their wellness programs.

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