Keys To A Successful Virtual Health Fair
Not all virtual health fairs are created equal. Check out Wellable’s guide to having a successful virtual health fair to avoid common pitfalls and have a maximal impact on the well-being of your workforce.
On-Site Health Fairs Go Virtual
Throughout the pandemic, virtual health fairs made it possible for employees to learn about available benefits and interact with wellness experts without being physically present. These virtual events will likely continue to increase as employers experience the number of significant advantages they have over on-site counterparts.
CEO Survey: Return To “Normal” In 2022
Over the past year, business leaders have developed well-informed opinions about remote operations and office downsizing. To capture their reactions, KPMG surveyed 500 CEOs from the world’s most influential companies to provide their outlook on the economic landscape, as well as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the results are surprising.
CDC Guidance Released As Millions Of Adults Receive COVID-19 Vaccine
On March 8, the CDC released its first set of guidance for adults that have received the COVID-19 vaccine. A year after the first cases were reported in the US, over 93 million adults have received their first dose and over 53 million are fully vaccinated.
Employees (Still) Desperately Need More Mental Health Support
Employee mental health reached a critical point this past year due to pandemic-induced stress from job changes, social isolation, economic downturns, and an overall sense of uncertainty. While many companies have responded with added tools and resources and increased socialization efforts, statistics show that people continue to struggle.
The Social Aspect Of Virtual Fitness Programs
When fitness centers closed down amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many gym-goers turned to virtual fitness programs to rebuild a sense of community. These online fitness classes provided users with social connection and encouragement that solo, at-home, and self-directed workouts often lacked.
Pulse Check: Reopening Offices After COVID-19
Every month, Wellable asks a single question to the large, growing, and dedicated community of human resources and wellness professionals subscribed to the Wellable Newsletter. The question for March was about when employers plan to fully reopen offices.
Survey: Many Employees Satisfied With Benefits, But Room For Improvement Remains
According to the Workplace Wellness Survey, conducted by the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) and Greenwald Research, the majority of employees (63%) are satisfied with their health and wellness benefits. While encouraging, the data also suggests that employers have room to grow other benefit areas.
Biden Administration Calls On Employers To Support COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts
In a press briefing last month, the Biden administration called on employers play a crucial role in defeating the pandemic and supporting a return to normal life. Employers are encouraged to make it easier for workers to get vaccinated by offering paid time off or other incentives and compensation.