Pulse Check: What Is Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion?
Every month, Wellable asks a single question to the large, growing, and dedicated community of human resources and wellness professionals subscribed to the Wellable Newsletter. This month, Wellable asked respondents if their organization has strategic diversity, equity, and inclusion plans. To help these organizations as they continue to develop and implement their plans, this post defines and disentangles diversity, equity, and inclusion. By separating these terms from one another, employers will be in a better position to create more effective DEI initiatives and determine when their DEI goals have been met.
Yu-Kai Chou’s Octalysis Gamification Framework
According to Yu-Kai Chou, gamifiers have over-simplified human motivation in their attempts to gamify wellness activities. In particular, they have over-looked the 'eight-core drives of gamification.' This post characterizes these drives and creates a framework by which wellness activities can be gamified.
Digital Health Companies Experience Difficulties As A Dissatisfied Market Expresses Concerns
Throughout the pandemic, a vast number of digital health companies have arisen that promise to enable individuals to seek advice from health and wellness professionals on-demand and from the safety of their homes. Though this digital shift is likely to prove beneficial in the long-term, it has come with some growing pains. This post reviews the problems employers have with many of the digital health services and discusses the changes some companies are making to iron out the kinks.
Vaccine Incentives And Accommodations: A Review Of The EEOC’s Updated Guidelines
As the pandemic dies down and COVID-19 vaccines become more widely available, employers are looking to transition back into the workplace. This post reviews the EEOC’s updated guidelines to help businesses get back into the office in a safe and legal manner.
Seven Things Employers Can Do To Address The Pandemic’s Impact On Workplace Gender Equality
Pandemic-induced restrictions in combination with extant gender inequities have caused many women to consider leaving their jobs. This is bad in its own right but also because businesses thrive on diversity. Check out these seven actions employers can take to address this problem.
Robot Therapists
Psychologists and computer scientists have been working together to produce conversation artificial intelligence that play some of the therapeutic conversational roles that are typically saved for human psychotherapists (e.g., offering empathic responses and providing instructions on how to apply well-tested treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy). This post examines the benefits and limitations of this technology along with what it may look like in the years to come.
Gamified Fitness: A Fad Or The Future?
In order to make working out easier, wellness experts have tried to make a game out of it. To determine if this approach to fitness can live up to the hype, Wellable analyzes the techniques that gamifiers have used and gestures at what the future of gamified fitness might look like.
Pulse Check: A Crash Course In The Taxability Of Wellness Incentives
Every month, Wellable asks a single question to the large, growing, and dedicated community of human resources and wellness professionals subscribed to the Wellable Newsletter. The question for May asked respondents if the organizations they work for tax their wellness program incentives. With a divided response indicating a need for clarification, Wellable unpacks key issues and offers a simple decision tree for determining the taxability of wellness program incentives.
The Pandemic’s Regressive Effect On Gender Equality In The Workplace
COVID-19 has been exerting a deleterious effect on gender equality in the workplace, causing women to leave the workforce in disproportionate numbers and threatening to widen the gender pay gap. Wellable explains the significance of this trend and explores why the pandemic is having these gender specific effects so that businesses can more easily develop responses that effectively prevent further damage and undo the harm that has already been done.