Empathy, Virtual Reality, And Workplace Optimization

Empathy, Virtual Reality, And Workplace Optimization

Empathy fosters collaborative and respectful workplace interactions. By providing employees with immersive, perspective-changing experiences, virtual reality has proven to be a useful tool in the cultivation of workplace empathy. This post reviews VR's empathy-inducing effects, along with some of its other surprising workplace use cases.

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Education Benefits: Underutilization And Ways To Make Them More Impactful

Education Benefits: Underutilization And Ways To Make Them More Impactful

Employers offer education benefits to help their employees continue to learn and acquire new skills in an increasingly competitive and degree-demanding job market. Despite the multitude of ways in which education can benefit employees, many of the education benefits provided by businesses are not being used. To help companies rectify this problem, this post identifies four key reasons why these benefits often go underutilized and describes two steps that employers can take to improve their education initiatives going forward.

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Pulse Check: Are Pandemic-Induced Changes To Wellness Strategies Here To Stay?

Pulse Check: Are Pandemic-Induced Changes To Wellness Strategies Here To Stay?

Every month, Wellable asks a single question to the large, growing, and dedicated community of human resources and wellness professionals. The question for July asked respondents if their organizations will be keeping the changes that were made to their well-being strategies during the pandemic.

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Five Things Employers Can Do To Create A Safe, Inclusive, And Equitable Space For LGBTQI+ Employees

Five Things Employers Can Do To Create A Safe, Inclusive, And Equitable Space For LGBTQI+ Employees

LGBTQI+ workers deal with an overwhelming set of obstacles, harms, and inequities in the workplace. This post provides employers with five actions they can take to provide members of the LGBTQI+ community with the work environment and career opportunities that they deserve.

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Employers Must Respond To Changes In Employee Retirement Plans

Employers Must Respond To Changes In Employee Retirement Plans

The economic impact of the pandemic has caused many employees to give up on the traditional goal of retiring at 65. This post takes a closer at how COVID-19 has affected retirement plans to help employers learn how to modify their financial benefits to meet employees where they are, not where they used to be.

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Is Remote Work Bad For Innovation?

Is Remote Work Bad For Innovation?

Organizations are concerned that innovation will occur less frequently as employees continue to work in remote environments that offer fewer opportunities for spontaneous in-person interactions. Experts claim that this concern is overblown. This post examines why.

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The Evolution Of Apple Health And The Future Of Personal Wellness Technologies

The Evolution Of Apple Health And The Future Of Personal Wellness Technologies

Personal wellness technologies are increasing the frequency and ease at which individuals and their health care providers can monitor changes in their health and well-being across various domains, paving the way for more effective preventive and curative healthcare. Apple’s Health app provides a case in point and paints an exciting picture of the future of personal wellness technologies.

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Case Study: Apple’s Workplace Location Flexibility Policy

Case Study: Apple’s Workplace Location Flexibility Policy

Organizations are beginning to finalize and announce their post-pandemic workplace location flexibility policies (WLFPs). These decisions, along with their results, provide more information on how to decide what WLFPs will work best for your company and on how to give whatever policy you end up with the best chance at succeeding. This post takes a close look Apple’s WLFP and the backlash that it was met with in order to highlight potential mistakes that were made and key lessons to learn.

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How The LGBTQI+ Community Fairs In The Workplace: Harms, Obstacles, And Inequities

How The LGBTQI+ Community Fairs In The Workplace: Harms, Obstacles, And Inequities

While there have been many efforts to increase diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) based on race and gender, companies are beginning to direct their attention to other relevant identities. In particular, organizations are thinking more about how to develop successful DEI programs for the LGBTQI+ community. In doing so, they must remain mindful of the unique challenges that members of this community face, some of which are described in detail in this post.

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