Study: Monetary Incentive Not Effective At Getting People To The Gym
A group of researchers at Case Western Reserve University looked to find the golden rules to entice gym-goers, found monetary incentives NOT the answer.
5 Different Forms Of Meditation To Improve Productivity
Mindfulness training and meditation help improve employee performance through boosting concentration and promoting interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
Study: Generosity Is Good For Employee Health
Generosity changed the activity in people’s brains in ways that increase feelings of happiness, even if the generous act is small or only imagined.
Study: Top Performers Are Three Times As Valuable As Other Peers
In their latest study, VitalSmarts attempted to show and quantify just how important top performers are to their organizations.
Employees Should Max Out Their HSA Contributions
As open enrollment season approaches for many companies, employers need to focus on educating employees on the use of health savings accounts (HSAs).
Study: Active Workstations Enhance Cognitive Functions, Improve Memory
Standing boosts productivity, but lacked any evidence demonstrating health benefits. Would extra steps logged at a treadmill desk prove superior to standing?
7 Core Metrics To Measure An Employee Health Coaching Initiative
This is an excerpt from our latest eBook: Employee Health Coaching 101 - Everything You Need To Know To Launch A Cost-Effective Health Coaching Program.
Report: Led By Technology, Millennials Are Most Diligent Savers
According to Bank of America’s 2016 Plan Wellness Scorecard, millennials lead the pack when it comes to contributing to 401(k) plans. What's motivating them?
Continuous Wellness Challenge Best Practices
Periodic challenges may not help organizations achieve their employee health goals. This is where continuous wellness programs can help.