Study: Paternity Leave Leads To Healthier Moms
The need for maternity leave is clear as women need time to recuperate from pregnancy, labor, and perhaps surgery. A less obvious leave that many companies fail to offer is paternity leave, which has been shown to lead to healthier moms.
Rx for Well-being: Go Outside for Two Hours A Week
Want to be healthier and happier? Spend time with nature. Specifically, stay outside for at least 120 minutes per week to reap the benefits.
Study: Nearly Half Of U.S. Companies Have A Wellness Program
46% of all worksites offered some health promotion or wellness program, according to the “2017 Workplace Health in America” report conducted by the CDC and UNC, Chapel Hill. Unfortunately, most programs have yet to reach maturity by addressing all dimensions of well-being.
Study: Wellness Programs Don’t Work (It’s Not As Bad As It Sounds)
A new study weighs in on the effectiveness of corporate wellness programs, suggesting the specific wellness program reviewed did not deliver significant measurable outcomes.
Study: Mental Health Apps Not As Effective As Perceived
As companies expand their employee wellness programs to address mental health, there is increased focus on how mobile apps can serve as useful tools. Although more than 1,000 mental health apps exist, a recent study suggests these apps may not be as useful as one might think.
Study: Slow Weight Loss Best For Health
Companies have widely implemented 'Biggest Losers' programs as part of their employee wellness initiatives, which tend to promote intensive weight loss and dramatically slows down participants' metabolism. A recent study in the Journal of Obesity challenged the support for this type of program.
HHS: New Physical Activity Guidelines
The U.S. Department of Human Health and Human Services released the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, an essential resource for employers as they design and implement physical activity programs, policies, and promotion initiatives.
Top Employee Financial Wellness Programs
Check out the top employee financial wellness for 2019! The verdict: scalable programs are gaining favors while personalized options such as coaching are lagging behind. Learn more about financial wellness trends and more by downloading the 2019 Employee Wellness Industry Trends Report
Study: Overload, Trust Remain Challenges For Online Health Info Seekers
The good part of the internet is that it provides access to all sorts of information. The bad part of the internet is that it provides access to all sorts of information. The latter statement could be considered an informal finding of a recent study as it relates the health information online.