Personality Profiling In The Workplace: Worth The Risks?
As organizations continue to leverage data and analytics to create high performing teams, one practice that’s growing in popularity is the use of personality profile tests in the workplace. However, employers should be wary of unintended consequences.
What Makes Happy Employees? Hint: It’s Not Just Compensation
Compensation is still important, but 4,000 participants in a recent survey by Wrike revealed factors other than money that made them happy in their jobs.
Getting Executive Buy-In For An Employee Wellness Program
Implementing a wellness program isn’t a one-step solution. It requires a culture shift that is reflected in policies, programs, procedures, and behaviors the company displays. The only way to make that change is with the buy-in of senior executives, the CXOs. Here's how to get their support.
Cultivating Happy, More Productive Employees
With a tight employment market and the well-known struggle to create employee engagement, employers are trying to figure out what makes employees happy at work. Salary, for sure, is one aspect, but surprisingly, it is not the be all and end all. Here are some research-backed suggestions.
Millennials Exercise Influence On Wellness, Health
Just as millennials are unique relative to other generations in regard to how they shop, work, and play, they are also distinct in their approach to wellness. Baby boomers may be the kings of “no pain, no gain,” but the 56 million millennials in the U.S. approach exercise and health differently.
Making Way For Generation Z In The Workplace
Generation Z, those born in 1995 or later, has begun to enter the workforce, projecting an altered set of needs from that of their preceding generation. How can businesses create work environments and employee experiences that will attract the best talent from this generation?
Employee Retention Takes Center Stage As Quit Rate Hits 17-Year High
American workers, in increasing numbers, are quitting their current jobs to seek out better employment. Companies will be forced to expend their resources on replacing lost employees, and the overall rate of company productivity will decrease as a result of a transient and unsatisfied workforce.
4 Fun And Healthy Onboarding Activities To Engage New Hires
Tasked with onboarding new hires and looking for some fun wellness activities for the workplace? Here are four top new-hire activities that will encourage team building and a culture of health right from the start!
Study: 1 In 5 Employees Experience High Engagement and High Burnout
Employee engagement is often seen as a purely beneficial experience. However, few professionals ask the question of whether it is always a good thing.