
August is National Wellness Month, a time dedicated to taking care of yourself across all dimensions of well-being. For employers, this celebration offers a unique opportunity to inspire small, daily changes that lead to long-term health benefits for employees. By implementing various wellness initiatives and activities, employers can foster a supportive environment that boosts employee satisfaction, morale, and overall health. 

Celebrating National Wellness Month In August

How Did National Wellness Month Start? 

National Wellness Month was established as a dedicated time for people to prioritize their well-being. Its goal is to encourage self-care, stress management, and the adoption of healthy routines so individuals can bring their best selves to their relationships, work, and daily life. 

Busy schedules and demanding jobs can lead to neglecting self-care practices, resulting in stress and burnout. A specific wellness month serves as a reminder to pause and engage in health-promoting activities. 

This celebration extends beyond physical health to include mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness, recognizing that true well-being is holistic in nature. By participating in various wellness activities and practices during National Wellness Month and beyond, individuals can significantly improve their overall quality of life. 

Why Creating A Culture Of Wellness Is Important

Why Creating A Culture Of Wellness Is Important 

A culture of health in the workplace prioritizes and promotes healthy behaviors through policies, practices, and norms that support employee wellness. When workers feel their well-being is valued, they are more likely to engage, produce, and stay loyal to their company. A comprehensive wellness program is an effective way to cultivate a culture of health, offering numerous benefits for employees and organizations. 

National Wellness Month is a prime opportunity to kickstart these initiatives, demonstrate a commitment to employee wellness, and set the foundation for a healthier workplace year-round. Wellable’s Wellness Platform offers various resources and programs to kick off National Wellness Month — book a demo to get started.

8 Ways To Celebrate National Wellness Month 

1. Promote Healthy Eating 

Promote Healthy Eating 

Encouraging healthy eating habits among employees results in sustained energy levels and improved concentration. Inspire nourishing dietary choices during National Wellness Month with: 

  • Healthy snacks in the office: Stock kitchens with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Having nutritious food accessible makes it easier to choose healthy options throughout the day. Rotate snacks weekly to cater to different tastes and dietary restrictions, keeping healthy eating exciting.
  • Company-wide potlucks: Organize a potluck (gathering where employees bring in their favorite healthy dishes) to foster a culture of health and sense of community. Encourage participants to share the recipes and health benefits of their dish with one another. Add a fun, competitive element with a “best dish” contest where employees vote for their favorite meal.
  • Nutrition workshops: Host live sessions on topics like meal planning with a busy schedule and eating well on a budget. Providing practical tips and personalized advice empowers employees to make informed choices about their diet.

2. Support Mental Health 

Support Mental Health 

Mental health support should be accessible year-round in the workplace, but National Wellness Month is a prime opportunity to spotlight its importance with additional initiatives. Strong mental well-being leads to improved performance, productivity, and overall satisfaction. Consider piloting the following: 

  • Meditation sessions: Organize guided morning meditation sessions to begin the workday stress-free. Teach breathing exercises that employees can use throughout the day to boost mental clarity, stay calm, and improve focus.
  • Stress management workshops: Host workshops focused on stress management techniques, covering practical skills such as time management and relaxation methods. Providing employees with tools to manage stress can improve their ability to cope with daily pressures.
  • Affinity groups: Establish groups where employees can connect over shared interests, identities, or experiences. Affinity groups provide a supportive network, promote inclusivity, and offer a safe space for discussing mental health.

3. Encourage Exercise 

Encourage Exercise 

Promoting fitness in the workplace encourages employees to stay active, healthy, and energized. During National Wellness Month, implement these initiatives to enhance your team’s physical well-being: 

  • Walking meetings: Replace traditional sit-down meetings with walk-and-talks to promote movement and creative thinking. This can make discussions more dynamic and engaging.
  • Fitness challenges: These could include step challenges, for instance, where participants create personalized goals and receive rewards for reaching milestones.
  • Gym membership subsidies: Provide financial support for employees to join gyms or fitness classes to encourage regular exercise and demonstrate an investment in their health. Additionally, consider partnering with nearby fitness centers to offer discounted memberships. 

Related Challenge: Step It Up Challenge | Wellable 

4. Upgrade Office Furniture 

Standing Desk

Ergonomic furniture can improve employees’ physical health by reducing strain and discomfort. Consider integrating the following into workspaces: 

  • Standing desks and treadmills: These desks combat the negative effects of prolonged sitting and improve circulation. Treadmill desks have the added benefit of integrating gentle exercise into the workday, which can help boost fitness levels.  
  • Ergonomic chairs: These chairs that offer proper lumbar support help employees maintain good posture and reduce back pain. Look for ones with adjustable features such as seat height, armrests, and backrests. 
  • Balance ball chairs: These chairs engage core muscles and encourage active sitting. 
  • Adjustable monitor stands: These stands allow employees to position their screens at the optimal height and angle, reducing eye strain and neck discomfort. 

To go the extra mile and pamper employees, offer weekly on-site chair massages during National Wellness Month. These sessions relieve tension and recharge the mind and body. Incorporating this luxurious perk into the workday creates a supportive, employee-centric workplace. 

Related Service: On-Site Chair Massage

5. Prioritize Work-Life Balance 

Prioritize Work-Life Balance 

Introducing flexible work arrangements, whether as a month-long model to celebrate National Wellness Month or a permanent policy shift, can reduce stress and prevent burnout. This may include options like: 

  • Remote work: Enable employees to work from home to reduce commuting stress and free up time for personal responsibilities. 
  • Hybrid work: Allow employees to split their time between working in the office and remotely to promote work-life balance. 
  • Increased PTO time: Offer additional paid time off (PTO) to ensure employees have enough time to recharge. 
  • Half-day Fridays: Give employees a head start on weekends to prioritize personal activities. 
  • Extended lunch breaks: Provide longer lunch breaks to give ample time to relax, exercise, or run personal errands. 

6. Organize Team-Building Initiatives 

Organize Team-Building Initiatives 

Team-building activities promote social wellness among employees, fostering a sense of belonging, trust, and support. These translate to greater productivity, efficiency, and collaboration in the workplace. Activities can include: 

  • Team outings: Plan weekly outings such as lunches, dinners, or recreational activities like bowling, hiking, or escape rooms. These relaxed environments allow employees to bond and get to know each other outside of the office. Shared experiences strengthen team dynamics and improve communication and collaboration in the workplace. 
  • Sports games: Organize friendly sports games like soccer, basketball, or volleyball. Forming teams and competing in a fun, low-pressure environment can help employees build stronger connections and improve their ability to work together effectively. 
  • Collaborative projects: Foster a sense of unity and purpose by organizing a project that all employees can contribute to, such as an art piece (e.g., mural or series of paintings). Collaborative efforts enhance teamwork and give employees a sense of shared achievement. 

7. Highlight Hydration 

Highlight Hydration 

Coffee may be the go-to beverage to fuel the workday, but hydration is key to powering through without the crash. National Wellness Month is the perfect time to remind employees about the role of hydration in boosting energy levels, focus, and overall health. Encourage employees to set and monitor daily fluid goals, supporting their efforts by:  

  • Providing water bottles: Offer company-branded bottles, ideally marked with measurements. This helps employees visually track their intake and fosters a sense of company pride.
  • Installing hydration stations: Setting up hydration stations in high-traffic areas of the office makes it convenient for employees to refill their bottles regularly. Consider adding fruit-infused water with lemon, cucumber, mint, or berries for variety, flavor, and a boost of vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Including electrolyte options: Provide electrolyte packets or drinks to support employees who need an extra hydration boost, especially after physical activity or during hot weather. Electrolytes replenish essential minerals lost through sweat.

8. Raise Environmental Awareness 

Raise Environmental Awareness

Adopting sustainable habits protects the planet and promotes physical and mental wellness. Implement the following initiatives to support sustainability efforts during National Wellness Month and beyond: 

  • Encourage eco-friendly commuting: If feasible, encourage employees to bike or walk to work, reducing the company’s carbon footprint and promoting physical activity. Have employees share photos of their outdoor commutes with the team. 
  • Create an office oasis: Add indoor plants to the office to improve air quality, reduce stress, and boost mental health. Planting a company garden can also be a fun way to stock the office kitchen with fresh produce and promote sustainability.  
  • Reduce single-use plastics: Encourage employees to minimize the use of single-use plastics by providing reusable alternatives, like company-branded coffee mugs and shopping bags. 

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