
This article is over 10 years old

A joint study between the University of Kansas School of Medicine and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed “adults almost quadrupled their exercise levels after receiving daily motivational texts.” After six weeks in the program, participants had increased their exercise quotas from 56 minutes to 202 minutes per week. According to Dr. Tracie Collins from the University of Kansas, “texts are ‘less onerous’ and that their success in this study provides important proof for medical clinics or health programs that might one day use texting to motivate people to work out.”

This finding is particularly meaningful because 90% of American adults have a cell phone and the readership levels for text messaging far exceed that of email, which is the de facto communication tool in most wellness programs. Fortunately, Wellable incorporates text messaging in their comprehensive wellness programs and offers it as a standalone solution, which serves as a great way for employers and health plans to launch a fully branded wellness program with minimal costs. Email us to learn more about how text messaging may be right for your wellness program.

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