
Despite the clear benefits of wellness programs, such as improved health outcomes, reduced absenteeism, and increased productivity, motivating employees to consistently participate in them is often easier said than done. Gartner’s 2021 EVP Benchmarking Survey revealed that although 87% of employees have access to mental and emotional well-being offerings, only 23% use them. Many may feel too busy to take part, not see immediate benefits (and therefore lose wellness motivation), or simply lack interest.

High utilization is important, but true engagement in wellness programs means more than just signing up—it involves active and meaningful participation. Engaged employees complete wellness activities and tangibly benefit from them. Those who see the value in these initiatives are more likely to participate regularly, become better teammates, and experience improved well-being over the long term.

Employee Wellness Programs

Employers must understand what drives employee engagement and implement strategies to motivate and sustain participation. By doing so, both employees and employers can fully benefit from these programs.

1. Understand Employees’ Needs & Interests

Creating an effective wellness program involves aligning it with employees’ needs, interests, and goals. Participants will likely have a wide range of wellness concerns they want to address. Some may prioritize physical fitness, while others might seek support for mental health or financial wellness.  

Distribute employee interest surveys to gather insights, identify common themes, and pinpoint needs within your workforce. This also provides employees with an opportunity to voice opinions, questions, and concerns. Involving participants in the planning process helps you customize your program to ensure higher engagement, increase participation, and provide genuine value.

Download Employee Wellness Interest Survey Here

2. Build A Comprehensive & Inclusive Program

A well-rounded, inclusive program offers a broad range of activities to suit different fitness levels, personal interests, and schedule constraints.

Offer Holistic Activities

Offer Holistic Activities

Incorporate a range of initiatives that address various dimensions of well-being, such as: 

Accommodate Different Stages Of The Wellness Journey

Ensure the program caters to employees at various stages of their wellness journey, from beginners to more advanced participants. For example, a marathon training initiative may only appeal to seasoned runners, while a step challenge is an inclusive alternative that allows employees to set personal goals that match their current fitness levels. Similarly, basic budgeting workshops may be more approachable for those new to financial planning, whereas advanced investment seminars may appeal to those looking to expand their financial knowledge. Providing options that suit different levels of experience and readiness engages a broader range of employees in the wellness program.

Provide Flexible Participation Options

Provide Flexible Participation Options

Offer a combination of on-demand and live activities to accommodate employees who work remotely or have commitments that prevent them from attending in-person events. Virtual classes, online wellness workshops, and remote support groups ensure that all employees, regardless of location, can participate.

3. Involve All Levels Of The Organization

For a wellness program to truly thrive, engagement and support must come from all organizational levels from leadership to individual employees. This creates buy-in to integrate wellness into a company’s daily operations and culture, rather than viewing it as a separate or optional activity.


Leaders must commit to providing the necessary resources, including budget, time, and support, to make a wellness program successful. Encourage them to communicate information about initiatives, participate in the program, and share their health goals and achievements. When employees see leaders prioritizing well-being, it sets a positive example and reinforces the importance of the program.

Wellness Champions

Wellness Champions

Wellness champions (voluntary employees who are passionate about health and wellness) can help promote the program and provide wellness motivation for their peers. Peer support and camaraderie can enhance engagement as employees are more likely to join and stay committed to programs that their colleagues are also involved in.

Wellness Committee

A wellness committee plans and oversees wellness activities, ensuring that initiatives are well-coordinated and aligned with company goals. Representatives should include leaders, wellness champions, and HR representatives for maximum visibility and engagement.

4. Make Participation Easy & Accessible

By removing barriers to participation, you can drive wellness motivation and ensure more employees take part in initiatives.

Leverage Technology & Automation

Leverage Technology & Automation

Use wellness platforms and apps that automatically sync with wearable devices to seamlessly log activities and track progress without manual input. Automated reminders and notifications can also keep wellness top-of-mind for employees.

Provide Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible hours or remote work options afford employees the freedom to schedule wellness activities according to their preferences. Flexible work arrangements are especially beneficial for employees with demanding schedules or caregiving responsibilities.

Ensure Scheduling Flexibility

Schedule multiple sessions for fitness classes, mindfulness exercises, and other activities. This optionality allows employees to choose times that work best for them, increasing overall participation rates.

5. Communicate Effectively

Communicate Effectively

Regular and meaningful communication provides employees with the information necessary to participate, keeps the program top-of mind, and instills wellness motivation for ongoing engagement. A well-planned communication strategy includes: 

  • Welcome sessions outlining the wellness program, benefits of participation, and clear instructions on how to enroll, access resources, and participate in initiatives 
  • Regular reminders and updates through internal communication channels (email newsletters, Slack or Teams messages, bulletin boards, etc.) 
  • Wellness calendars to keep employees informed about upcoming activities and events, which can be shared through a wellness portal or monthly email

6. Offer Rewards & Incentives

While participation in wellness programs is ideally intrinsically motivated, incentivizing participation can kickstart wellness motivation and sustain it over time. Rewards can include: 

  • Wellness products like fitness gear, yoga mats, or supplements
  • Tech gadgets like fitness trackers, smartwatches, or headphones
  • Experience-based rewards like spa vouchers, cooking classes, or fitness club memberships
  • Public recognition like social media shout-outs or awarding a “Wellness Champion of the Month”
  • Extra work flexibility like additional vacation time or work-from-home days
  • Company swag like branded water bottles and t-shirts
Offer Rewards & Incentives

Although immediate rewards can be effective motivators, a continuous reward program keeps employees engaged over time by offering ongoing incentives for participating and hitting milestones. 

Another way to maintain long-term wellness motivation is to implement a system where employees earn points for participating in activities, attending workshops, or achieving personal wellness goals. These points can be redeemed for lifestyle spending account funds, allowing employees to select rewards that best fit their needs and interests.


Motivating employees to engage in wellness programs requires a thoughtful and strategic approach tailored to their diverse needs and interests. By prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility, fostering involvement across all organizational levels, and offering meaningful rewards, employers can significantly boost participation and help employees improve their health.

To gauge the true impact of wellness programs, employers should take a comprehensive approach by using Wellable’s Wellness ROI & VOI calculator to measure return on investment (ROI) and value on investment (VOI). Actively fostering engagement and effectively measuring success ensures that wellness programs deliver substantial returns for both employees and the organization.

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