
This article is over 7 years old

The 2017 – 2018 flu season is here, and data predicts that it will be a bad one. The main strain of flu circulating around might be particularly more malicious than other seasons, and the flu vaccine was only 10% effective when introduced to the same strain in Australia. Offices filled with employees are like breeding grounds for these virus, and seeing your colleagues going down with the flu is no fun.

To help offices fight against the flu season, Wellable has prepared an infographic on the three best practices to avoid getting sick this winter. Read up on these scientifically-proven tips and share them with your “neighbors” to protect them, yourself, and everybody else around you against the sniffles!

3 Best Practices To Avoid Getting The Flu And Cold This Winter

Healthy Habits

If one were to look at illness prevention methods like a pyramid, healthy habits would be the base.


Proper nutrition is crucial to avoid becoming sick. Focusing on certain food groups that are commonly lacking in many diets will help take your immune system above and beyond the baseline.


The most effective way to fight the cold and flu is getting your nutrition, hydration, physical activity, and sleep in check. Without consistently adhering to these actions, supplementation will have a minimal impact. However, these supplements have shown promise in boosting your immune system past what can be achieved with general healthy habits.

Here’s a list to help you navigate the sea of information on supplements:

Less effective supplements

  • Vitamin C: Unless you are a high-level athlete, extra supplementation of vitamin C will most likely do nothing for you. This is especially the case if you are already sick, as vitamin C, when it does work, is most effective as a preventive measure.
  • Echinacea: This one is very commonly used to fight colds. However, the research on the actual effectiveness of echinacea is mixed to say the least. While it has other health benefits, it may not be worth your money when specifically used to fight the cold or flu.
  • Glutamine: Unless you are a vegan or vegetarian with low dietary intake, additional glutamine supplementation will likely do very little for you. If you are in a restricted diet that does not allow for natural glutamine intake, then glutamine supplements will indeed make a difference.

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