
This article is over 8 years old


According to an online survey of 2,000 Americans from Ketchum, a global research and analytics firm, 47% of American smartphone users have an app that tracks fitness, working out, health, or medicine. Furthermore, 83% of people who use fitness or workout apps use them at least once a week. The results of the survey are not surprising as mobile health continues to become regular interaction for individuals across the country.

The results do, however, highlight a challenge employers must address when designing their employee wellness program. More and more individuals are adopting consumer health and wellness apps, and despite having market leaders, no single app or device has more than 50% market share in any category (steps, nutrition, etc.). As a result, employers must decide whether to embrace the consumer movement or disrupt it with their own proprietary program. Wellable supports the former. Rather than interfering with what nearly half of Americans are currently using, employers support employees as they seek out and user consumer wellness technologies. This will result in more sustainable engagement by allowing employees to identify and use the solutions that are best suited for them.

The survey also found that there’s an opportunity to educate with just over half (51%) of respondents feeling they have a lot to learn about how mHealth can benefit their health. This is where employers can add the most value. Employers can help educate employees on the consumer wellness technology options available to them. By helping to facilitate the adoption process and outlining the benefits of these solutions, employers will be driving their program to success.

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