
This article is over 9 years old

A report from mobile analytics firm Flurry found that mobile app usage of health and fitness apps grew by 52% in 2015. Overall mobile app usage grew by 58%. Flurry defines mobile app usage as a user opening an app and recording what they call a “session.” The report also found that 40% of the 58% total growth in mobile app sessions came from existing users. That’s a significant increase from the prior years as existing users only accounted for 20% of growth in sessions in 2014, and just 10% in 2013. The decline in new user contributions to growth points to a maturing market in mobile apps and adoptions of smartphones.


The growth and maturity in the market continues to emphasize the compelling value for employers that incorporate popular, consumer-facing health and fitness apps into their corporate wellness strategy. More and more employees are using these technologies, and rather than force employees to change what they are currently using, employers can meet employees where they are by incorporating what they currently use in their corporate wellness program. Also, these solutions have greater brand equity, making it easier increase participation. Lastly, by incorporating multiple consumer technologies, employers can accommodate the different personalities and preferences of their diverse employee base. Employees will have the ability to choose the solution that makes the most sense for them, which will help the employer increase participation and achieve the goals of their program.

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