
This article is over 10 years old

A recent study published in the Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine demonstrated that “small businesses can realize a positive ROI from effective risk reduction programs.” The study included 2,458 employees from 121 businesses and tracked 10 modifiable health risks through a pre- and posttest methodology. The employees participated in a comprehensive worksite health promotion program, and risk reductions were entered into a return-on-investment (ROI) simulation model.

Reductions were recorded in all 10 risk factors examined:Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

  • Obesity (−2.0%)
  • Poor eating habits (−5.8%)
  • Poor physical activity (−6.5%)
  • Tobacco use (−1.3%)
  • High alcohol consumption (−1.7%)
  • High stress (−3.5%)
  • Depression (−2.3%)
  • High blood pressure (−0.3%)
  • High total cholesterol (−0.9%)
  • High blood glucose (−0.2%)

The ROI model estimated medical and productivity savings of $2.03 for every $1.00 invested.

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